My passion is facilitating learning to promote change and growth.


Grounded in adult learning principles, I start with the end in mind. What do you hope to see as an outcome for yourself, your team, or your participants? Together we will identify your goals and design a learning experience that leads to direct and long-term application of new knowledge, skills and attitudes.


The Latin roots of the word facilitation lie in the idea of making something easier. As a coach and facilitator, I work hard ahead of time and in the moment to make learning easy for you as participants. Taking an asset-based and coach approach, I create a courageous and dynamic environment for inquiry, exploration and problem-solving.

What does this look like for you?

  • I lead teams through a multimodal developmental curriculum designed to reduce the gap between great intentions and unintended impacts.

  • I coach leaders and individuals interested in growth to develop their anchor and increase their skillset to access their whole selves to fulfill their life purpose. Let’s talk about what we can create!

Teams and Groups

I believe people have good intentions.

And…sometimes our impact doesn’t align with our intentions. You can develop concrete skills to repair harm, navigate the resulting tension and do better next time.

I believe leaders want to know they’re on the right path.

Together we cultivate intercultural competence so that your group connects with what they have in common, leverages their differences and navigates conflicts in healthy and productive ways. 

I facilitate transformational and experiential learning.

Customized, co-created and interactive, I practice adult learning principles to meet you where you are and solve the problems you care about.  No death-by-slide deck, you will be actively engaged and get hands-on practice so that your learning is applicable and sustainable.

Let’s Co-Create:

  • Wellness retreats

  • Facilitation Support

  • Consultations to support ongoing initiatives

  • Instructional Design

  • Customized Learning Curriculum

  • Foundations of Intercultural Competence to support team goals across differences

  • And so much more!

I believe that deep and effective learning occurs when you are appropriately challenged but not overwhelmed and you see the content as relevant and necessary to address problems you care about.


I create space for your greatest good.

I believe in your capacity to change and grow beyond who you are today. Your soul already knows what to do, my job is to partner with you to call it forth.

You are not alone.

Maybe you have felt like you have to figure it out on your own? Power through?  You have access to intuition, your soul’s knowing and universal energy. We do it together. I am with you and Spirit is with you.

We start wherever you are right now.

All you need is the desire to move forward or beyond.  You will learn how to connect to your Higher Self and live even more fully into your life purpose.

Using somatic wisdom, tapping and trauma-healing techniques, we’ll create a gentle and empowering space for you to live even more fully into your beautiful self in this world. 

I do this through traditional coaching techniques and I use an approach that calls in the Divine and accesses your Akashic Records as a way to provide even more information to integrate your human and Higher Self. I define spirituality as belief in something bigger than ourselves and I find that most of us want access on a daily, if not momentary basis, to support this human experience.

I believe wellbeing involves mind, body and spirit.

“Spirituality is recognizing and celebrating that we are all inextricably connected to each other by a power greater than all of us, and that our connection to that power and to one another is grounded in love and compassion. Practicing spirituality brings a sense of perspective, meaning, and purpose to our lives.

—Brené Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection

Established religions work well for some folks and we can augment that.

If you have not had a positive experience and yet crave connection to something bigger I can help you explore what Spirit is for you. 

  • 1:1 Coaching to help you through stuck stuff

  • Accessing Divine wisdom for decision making

  • Releasing old patterns that hold you back

  • Healing trauma

  • Activating soul agreements

  • And more!

Questions about Akashic Healing?

Schedule a Connection Call

Invest in your Spiritual Self

respite & Resilience