About Me

  • Raised in rural North Dakota
  • Did all the school activities from music to theater, sports and even some cheerleading
  • Lutheran with a Scandinavian heritage
  • Loved summer camps to connect with kids beyond my hometown
  • Lifechanging (and life-giving) semester abroad in Ecuador (thank goodness that Spain program was full!)
  • Semester Abroad Field Study: Ecuador
  • BA International Relations, Tufts University with focus in Peace & Justice Studies
  • Peace Corps Volunteer in the Russian Far East (taught English but learned way more than I ever taught!)
  • Connected community members with kids for enrichment and mutual learning
  • Moved to Chile to create an English immersion program for kids
  • Enjoyed a non-traditional work life
  • Fell in love and it didn’t work out
  • Liked myself, felt confident yet not quite connected to my life’s purpose
  • Virtual business card:  I am an educator.
  • MA in International Training and Education, American University (turns out working with adults is my zone of genius)
  • Fell in love, did 2 1/2 years long distance and got married
  • Peace Corps staff in Nicaragua and Washington, DC
  • Co-Active Professional Coach Certification (PCC via ICF if that is meaningful to you!)
  • Meyers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI) Certification
  • Got clear on my life’s purpose: I am the spark that creates change from within
  • Virtual business card: I am a facilitator.
  • World travel and lots of facilitation, design and coaching as Peace Corps staff
  • Marriage ended (after much learning and with mutual respect)
  • Colleagues and mentors held space and a greater vision for me
  • Birthed two babies as a Choice Mom (thank you, sperm donors <3)
  • Self-employed (I never would have guessed!)
  • Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) certified
  • Intercultural Conflict Styles (ICS) certified
  • Accepted help from non-traditional sources who helped me heal in ways I didn’t know was needed or possible
  • Constant reflection on the journey of parenthood and the tremendous amount of self-study and in-the-moment responses it requires
  • Akashic Healing Certification
  • Trauma-informed coach certification
  • Developed a spiritual practice that supports my daily life
  • Virtual business card: I facilitate healing and transformative learning.